A research team at Mansoura University discovers an 80-million-year-old dinosaur called "Mansourasaurus"

A research team was able to find fossils for a huge dinosaur in the Dakhla Oasis during an exploratory trip by the Vertebrate Excavation center at Mansoura University under the chairmanship of Dr. Hisham Salam, Director of the Vertebrate Excavation Center at the Faculty of Science. The team includes Dr. Eman Al-Daoudi, the first Egyptian and Arab researcher in the field of dinosaurs Dr. Sana El Sayed from Mansoura University and Dr. Sara Saber from Assiut University.
"The new discovery represents a unique scientific superiority that will add a lot to Egypt's fossil record", Dr. Hisham Salam said. The name of the new dinosaur was named "Mansourasaurus" after Mansoura, which was published on Monday in the Nature journal, which has a high impact factor.
The newly discovered dinosaur belongs to the family of long-necked dinosaurs that were common throughout the world during the Cretaceous. This family is known to be the largest wild animal known to date. However, the newly discovered dinosaur is different in many characteristics, African and its structure is different from the structure of dinosaurs that belong to that family.
In 2008, the team began to put a plan for the search for dinosaurs in the sediments of Egypt, south of Western desert. Five years later, the team was able to discover "Mansourasaurus" in the Dakhla Oasis about 700 km to the southwest of Cairo. 

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