Plastics and Rubber Industry Research and Development Unit


As part of the strategy of the Faculty of Science, the faculty seeks to communicate truly with the community in all specialties through the provision of real community services by activating the role of units of a special nature. The unit was established by the Supreme Council of Universities in 26/3/1990. The bylaw of the unit was established by the Supreme Council of Universities in 30/4/1990.\
The Plastic and Rubber Industry Research and Development Unit of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at Mansoura University College of Science aspires to be one of the best units of a special nature at the university level.
The Plastic and Rubber Industry Research and Development Unit of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at Mansoura University's Faculty of Science seeks to provide a distinguished and competitive service in the field of research and development of the plastics and rubber industry to benefit civil society and the educational and research process at the college. 
The center's objectives and areas:
- The plastics and rubber industry research and development unit aims to deepen the links between the university and industrial centers in the same field.
- Providing scientific advice related to polymerization, manufacturing methods and the quality of the product that is competitive to local and international markets.
- Conduct scientific research of an academic and applied nature, contribute to the training of students and individuals from inside and outside the university, aid productive activity with modern scientific and technical methods and raise their productive efficiency.
- Research on the recycling of plastic and rubber residues, which are a major burden on the environment.
- Holding training courses for workers in this field, graduates, and undergraduate students for summer training.
The executive Structure of the Center for Scientific Studies and Consultancy:
1- Prof. Dr.  Usama Ibrahim Mohamed Al-Ayyan, Dean of the Faculty (President)
2- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Fathy Abouelnour, Vice Dean of the faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs (Vice President).
3- Prof. Dr. magdy Yousif Abdel -AAl, Chemistry Department, (Director of the Center).
4- Prof.Dr.Sahar Ibrahim Hamed Mustafa, Chairman of the Council of the Department of Chemistry (Member)
5- Prof. Dr. Sayed Abdel Bary, Prof at chemistry dept., (Member)
6. Prof. Dr. Aly Aly Sarhan, Prof at Chemistry Dept., (Member)
7- Prof Dr. Ahmed El Mekabaty Katada, Prof. chemistry dept., (Member)
8- Ass. Prof Dr. Dalia Mokhtar Ayaad, chemistry dept., (Supervisor)
9- Mr. Magdy Mohamed Mahmoud Shehata Al-Danaf,, Administrative manager of the Faculty (Secretary of the Council).
10- Mr. Aly Ahmed Aly, Head of Budget Department (budget supervisor).
Plastics and rubber industry research and development unit activity during the 2012/2013 academic year
First: A course was successfully implemented in how to produce candles and perfumes theoretically and practically and the number of participants in this course (14 students) with a subscription fee of 50 pounds for a total amount (700 pounds) and the participants produced good types of candles and perfumes and distributed certified certificates.
Second: A course entitled "New in the plastics industry" was successfully implemented theoretically and practically and the number of participants in this course (57 students) with a fee of participation capacity (100 pounds) 100 pounds per person and the participants were briefed in practice on the different types of plastic coil production machines and on the latest types and new and advanced pipes during their visit to the factories of Shoman New Damietta and on the method of production as well as the method of manufacturing production machines. 
They also checked the U.V.  Plastic unit to learn how sunlight affects plastic coils.
Third: Students of the Faculty of Science (380 students) were trained in the unit on how to produce products from Polyester and FiberGlass and training in the plastic bag production machine in the unit from 24 February 2011 to 15 September 2011.
Fourth: Students of the Faculty of Science (380 students) were trained in the unit on how to produce plastic bags from July 25, 2012 to September 15, 2012.

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