Welcome Message




DrMohammed Abu Al Nour


Vice Dean of Faculty of Science for 
Community Service & Environmental Development Affairs
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Fathy Abouelnour Hegazy

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All the best for all the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector page of Faculty of science visitors. As Faculty of Science is the first of getting the accreditation in Mansoura University and the second among all Egyptian Universities.
 The Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector is one of the most 3 important arms of the Faculty of Science, which comply with strategies, objectives and visions of Mansoura University and Egypt 2030 vision.
Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs sector is content to train students and alumni in collaboration with the civil organizations to be professionals in practical way plus their academic experience to be qualified for the work in the different community aspects to benefit and help in developing our country Egypt. And for this issue the sector made and still making different protocols with the research institutes, medical and health organizations, factories and companies and ministries of relation. 
Also, the sector is interested in the environment and work to solve all the related issues among the community. Also, in the sector we are interested to build the growing up students and to educate them through the school visits to the Faculty of Science and in sharing in the referee committees in the research and innovation competitions held by the Ministry of Education and help the students to develop their scientific skills and widen their mental abilities. GOD Bless Egypt.







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El Gomhouria St, Mansoura Qism 2, Dakahlia Governorate

Dean Office 2202266 050

Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs 2202264 050

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs 2202271 050

Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development 2202264 050
