Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Unit (NMR)



As part of the strategy of the Faculty of Science to real communication with the community in all specialties through the provision of real community services by activating the role of units of a special nature, the MNR Unit was established by the Supreme Council of Universities.

The NMR Unit has a Nuclear Magnetic Resonances spectrometer apparatus, which is capable of measuring magnetic resonance of liquid and solid materials and many different nuclei such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium, silicon, bourne and other elements in the periodic table.

It is a research technique that uses the magnetic properties of some atomic nuclei.

It determines the physical and chemical properties of the atoms or molecules they contain.

It relies on the phenomenon of magnetic resonance and can give detailed information on the structural composition, dynamic state of the compound, the state of interaction, and the chemical environment of molecules.


The NMR Unit looks forward to providing a high-quality service that satisfies the sector of researchers in the field of MRI measurement, especially solid state measurement of elements.


The unit provides mono-directional and two-way magnetic nuclear resonance and solid measurements to various disciplines that use chemicals, and provides continuous education and training to researchers, students, factory specialists and those involved in the field of magnetic nuclear resonance.

The MNR Unit objectives and areas:

The Magnetic Nuclear Resonance Unit of Mansoura University aims to:

1- Contribute to supporting the educational process in the areas of specialty of the unit.

2- Actively contributing to the support and development of scientific research in Egyptian and regional universities and research centers.

3- Providing the necessary services to follow up the quality of production for the products of many factories and production companies.

4- Organizing conferences and general and specialized training courses for students, researchers, and faculty from within the university and universities inside and outside Egypt and workers in industry.

5- Participating in the activation of domestic and international agreements in order to promote the work of the unit as a whole.

6- Providing advisory services to all groups of the scientific community from inside and outside Egypt in analyzing the results and in the areas of unity.

Equipment Name: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 500 MHz

Number of units: 1

Model: Joel 500 MHz

Manufacturing Year: 2015

Manufacturing Country: USA

Manufacturer: JEOL Ltd

Usages: Identification of number and bonding for some atomic nuclei in compounds



The executive Structure of the MNR Unit:

  • Prof. Dr. Ashraf Tarik Hafez, Vice President for Graduate Affairs and Research (President).
  • Prof. Dr. Usama Ibrahim Mohamed Al-Ayyan, Dean of the Faculty of science (Member).
  • Prof. Dr. Ehab Abdul-Latif Attia, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Graduate Affairs and Research (Member).
  • Prof. Dr. Mohamed M. Abou-Elzahab, Professor of Chemistry, (Director of the Center).
  • Prof. Dr. Khalid Besheer Shabaan, Professor of organic Chemistry, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, for Graduate Affairs and Research (Member).
  • Prof. Dr. Omar Abdel Samea El Shehaby, Professor of Physiology, Botany Dept., (Member).
  • Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Moustafa, Prof. of medicinal chemistry, faculty of pharmacy (Member).
  • Prof. Dr. Gomaa Mohamed El Damarawy, Prof. of physics (Member).
  • Dr. Dalia Mohamed Momen, Ass. Prof., Microbiology & Immunology Dept. Faculty of Medicine (Member).
  • Dr. Dina Samy Emara Farahat, Lecturer in Properties of Biomaterials Dept., faculty of Dentistry (Member).
  • Mrs. Marwa Hamdy Talaat, Director of Budget Department (Member).



 Name: Magnetic Nuclear Resonance Unit (MNR)

 Address: Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, El Gomhoria St., Mansoura, 35516,  Dakahlia, Egypt.

 Mobile Phone: 01097072290 – 01028865050

 Email Address:  nmr.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Website: https://www.facebook,com/

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