Center for Scientific Studies and Consultancy
As part of the strategy of the Faculty of Science to real communication with the community in all specialties through the provision of real community services by activating the role of units of a special nature, the Center for Scientific Studies and Consultancy was established by the Supreme Council of Universities, number (220) in 29/7/1997.
The Center for Scientific Studies and Consultancy of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at Mansoura University's Faculty of Science aspires to be one of the best units of a special nature at the university level.
The Center for Scientific Studies and Consultancy of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at Mansoura University Faculty of Science seeks to contribute to the implementation of the university's policies and help it in fulfilling its mission in the field of education, training and scientific research in addition to conducting research, studies and scientific and technological consultations for bodies and individuals at home and abroad in the fields of solving the real scientific and technological problems faced by the productive sector as well as service projects of a nature of preserving the environment and reducing pollution from its various sources and providing consultations Scientific and technological required from industry and in the fields of services.
The center's objectives and areas:
- Create computer programs to serve companies and factories.
- Scientific consulting and sports modeling to help make a decision.
- Simulating physical and chemical processes using computers.
- Diagnosis of plant diseases.
- Soil chemical analysis.
- Providing scientific consultations and studies in the fields of chemical industries, dyes, pharmacological chemistry and natural products.
- Chemical and microbiological analysis of food pollutants.
- Chemical and microbiological analysis of water and compliance with standard specifications.
- Technical scientific consultations in the field of mechanical and structural characteristics of non-ferrous metal alloys, and new materials for modern industries and electronics.
- Technical and practical consultations in the field of glass physics.
- Analysis of mineral materials.
- Providing scientific consultations and studies in the field of electroplating, erosion, and catalysts.
- Detection and treatment of environmental pollution.
- Thermal analysis.
- Textile fiber optical measurements.
- Various geological studies.
- Search for groundwater and drilling wells.
- Detection of buried relics.
- Measuring concentrations of radioactive elements naturally in the surrounding environment.
- Study of coasts erosion and ways to protect them.
- Desert land reclamation and cultivation.
- GIS to support decision-making.
- Geological and environmental assessment of facilities in new urban communities.
- Training graduates on computer skills.
The executive Structure of the Center for Scientific Studies and Consultancy:
1- Prof. Dr. Usama Ibrahim Mohamed Al-Ayyan, Dean of the Faculty (President)
2- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Fathy Abouelnour, Vice Dean of the faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs (Vice President).
3- Prof. Dr. Ehab Abdul-Latif Attia, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Graduate Affairs and Research (Member)
4- Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sayed Al Mahmoudi, Vice Dean for Education and Students (Member)
5- Prof. Dr. Sahar Ibrahim Hamed Mustafa, Chairman of the Council of the Department of Chemistry (Member).
6- Prof. Dr. Hanan Awad Darwish, Chairman of the Board of Mathematics Department, (Director of the Center).
7- Prof. Dr. Adel Kamel Mohamed, Head of Geology (Member)
8- Prof. Dr. Huda Mohamed Suleiman, Head of Plant Department (Member)
9.Prof. Dr. Adel Mohamed Sadiq, Head of Physics (Member)
10- Prof. Dr. El Sayed Qassim Abdul Hady, Head of Zoology (Member)
11- Mr. Magdy Mohamed Mahmoud Shehata Al-Danaf,, Administrative manager of the Faculty (Secretary of the Council).
12- Mrs. Mona Mohamed, Head of Budget Department (budget supervisor).