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* Academic programs & Qualified programs for postgraduate studies



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The student begins to progress through the Ibn Al Haitham post-graduate Studies system (diploma - master - PhD) according to the specific dates for each and required documents with each procedure:

1. Registration

After reviewing the student's documents, the approval of the relevant scientific department council, the committee of Post-graduate studies and the college council is sent these decoments to the administration of Post-graduate studies for accreditation from the post-gradute studies council or from Vice President of the University for post-graduate Studies and enclosed:

  • A form from Ibn Al-Haitham system for post-studies.
  • A copy of the national ID card and the academic certificated obtained
  • Tuition Fees
  • Approval of the ethics committee of scientific research for applied colleges.
  • ID form including registration at the Egyptian Knowledge Bank(EKB) only for post-graduate students from faculty members
  • Registration of the subject of thesis at the Central Library at the university
  • Registration at EKB

2. Amendment Supervisory Committee

The amendment shall be either by deletion or addition and take into account the following cases:

  • Modify the supervisor from principle to co-supervisor or vice versa (due to apologize the supervisor or the search needs to add a supervisor), the amendment is approved from the Scientific Department Council at each College of Studies and must take into account the specialization of the principle supervisor and the maximum number of theses for each supervisor.
  • Note that in the case of secondment (the supervision is at least 50% of the duration of the thesis and 50% at least of accomplished in the thesis), the supervisor would be modified from principle to co-supervisor. In case the incomplete of legal duration (the supervision is at least 50% of the duration of the thesis and 50% at least of accomplished in the thesis), the supervisor apologizes.
  • In the case of internal scarring, the supervisor will continue on all thesis.

The required documents:

  • A form from Ibn Al-Haitham system states the justification for the amendment and attaching the supporting document.
  • Tuition fees.
  • Cumulative report from the date of registration.
  • ID form including registration at EKB only for post-graduate students from faculty members
  • It's Important to apologize, if the amendment is to delete the supervisor.

3. Modify the title of thesis

This is to check the title or change the subject. The new title is presented to the competent councils of the faculty and enclose:

  • A form from Ibn al-Haitham system states the title before and after the amendment.
  • Approval of the Scientific Research Ethics Committee.
  • Registration of the new tilte of thesis at the Central Library at the university Payment of tuition fees.
  • ID form including registration at the EKB only for post-graduate students from faculty members

 4. Extension of Registration

This shall be done after the expiry of the legal duration of admission or registration in accordance with the regulations of each faculty.

  • Form from Ibn Al Haitham system.
  •  Report from the date of the admission about the progress of the student for each year.
  • Tuition fees.
  • ID form including registration at the EKB only for post-graduate students from faculty members

5. Stop Admission or registration

It shall be compulsory for the assistance of faculty members in the case of Vacation and students from abroad according to circumstances and after the approval of the competent councils of the faculty.

6. Formation of a discussion committee

If the thesis has been completed and becomes valid for discussion, the supervisor (s) shall submit a validity report to the competent councils. It shall be submitted for accreditation by the Vice President for Graduate Studies and enclose:

  • Form from Ibn Al Haitham system
  • Report from principle supervisor that the thesis is approved to defense and signed by the coordinator of plagiarism program at each department.
  • Submission of the cover of the thesis approved and signed by the main supervisor.
  • A statement to publish a research paper derived from the thesis in a scientific journal in accordance with the new list of all faculties including (the names of the Supervisory Committee - the name of the researcher - the name of the journal - number of the issue - the date of issue).
  •  A patent certificate for the applied sciences faculties for the enrolled as of 1/9/2017
  • Obtain two courses from the Faculty Development Center, provided that the course of "Ethics of Scientific Research" is one of them for students from abroad for enrolled as of 1/9/2017
  •  Tuition fees.
  • Language certificate in accordance with the new amendments to the Regulations of Post-graduate Studies and Research.
  • The absence of one of the former supervisors of the student within the Judging and Discussion Committee.
  • In case the principle supervisor is not included in the jury and discussion committee, he should submit an apology and nominate one of the members in his place or the scientific department nominates one of the professors or assistant professors to represent the principle supervisor in the jury and discussion committee.

7. Renewal of the committee of discussion

This is due to the defense isn't done in its time (two months for the Masters and three months for the Ph.D. from the date of approved the Vice-President for postgraduate studies). The supervisor submits an request to Dean of the College and to Vice President of the University for Post-graduate Studies with a memorandum from the Ibn Al-Haitham system states the justification.

8. Amendment of committee of the discussion and judgment

In case of amending the members of discussion and judgment committee, the reasons for modifying should be clarified with the approval of the faculty councils. The apology of the committee member should be attached.

9. Awarded the degree

After discussing the thesis and making the required modifications and passing the exams in some colleges, the degree is awarded and enclose:

  • Form from the Ibn Al Haitham system
  • Tuition fees.
  •  A consolidated report from the Judging Committee and individual report per each committee member about validity of thesis.
  • ICDL certificate.
  • Report that all comments of committee are making.
  • Report about sending the hard copy and CD of the thesis to the college library and central library
  • Attach thesis summary.
  •  Report of approved of the security authorities for international students.

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