Al-Sumait Prize 2017

The Egyptian National Commission announces for Al-Sumait Prize 2017.

The Prize is worth 1 Million US Dollars. It is to be awarded to individuals or institutions that through their research projects or initiatives have made significant advancement within one or more of the following areas of Education:

· Improving people's access to basic or advanced education.

· Improving literacy among all members of society.

· Decreasing the dependence of children’s education on the socio-economical status of their parents.

 Conditions and requirements:

·  A candidate must have tangible achievements and creative works up to the desired level for the prize.

·  The submitted work must be of paramount importance in promoting economic and social development, human resource development and infrastructure in the African continent.

· Studies and applied research must be published in referred journals and need to be circulated and recognized on a global level in the allocated announced field. The research outcome needs to have been applied after publication in African countries within the past ten years. Adequate evidence needs to be provided.

· Projects and initiatives should be relevant to the prize and must include sufficient evidence of the achievements during the past ten years. The evidence should include an expert’s opinion and documented results obtained from the application of these initiatives or projects.

· Nominations are to be accepted from the institutions and scientific centers (universities, institutes and centers of scientific research) as well as from regional or international organizations and awards, former winners in the field of the prize or former evaluation members Self nominations are not accepted.

· All documents (studies, researches, reports, projects etc.) should be submitted electronically.

· All submissions must be submitted in English.

·  Fill in the prize nomination form to be found on the link titled (Education Open)  at the top on the left side of this page. Upload your scientific documents using any online cloud service such as dropbox, wetransfer or oneDrive. Insert (copy/paste) the link into the application form and click the submit button on the bottom of the form. You may also fill in the nomination form and submit your scientific documents electronically in PDF format via CD, DVD or Flash Memory (USB). 

The files will be submited through:


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