Call for funding of research projects from STDF for 2018

The Science and Technological Development Fund, STDF, announces the funding of research projects for 2018 in the following disciplines:

New and renewable energy - Water resources and desalination - Life sciences (basic sciences, environmental sciences, medical and pharmaceutical sciences( -  Food and agricultureSpace technology and its applicationsInformation and communication technologySocial sciences and humanitiesIndustrial developmentUrban planning and housingAdvanced and new technologies (e.g. Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, and Nano-biotechnology) related to any of the above mentioned areas - Prototype development, feasibility demonstration and concept validation

Eligibility Criteria The following eligibility criteria are applied on this grant:

-- Any Egyptian researcher (PhD/MD holder) affiliated to an Egyptian research entity (university, research institution/center…etc.) is eligible for funding in accordance with governing rules and regulations of governmental funding.

-- The proposed activities shall be presented in the form of a well-planned project which addresses an important subject, and which has clearly defined objectives and desired outcomes, as well as a detailed methodology.

-- The proposed activities are not funded by any other STDF funding grant or any other funding agency. Otherwise, the funded activities should be clearly stated and explained in the proposal.

 -- The budget must not exceed 200,000 L.E.

-- The implementation period of the project must not exceed twelve months.

For more details, click here

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