Call for proposals in the field of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

The administration of National Strategy for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering at the Academy of Scientific Research announces:

First (a): calling for supporting the proposals for the transfer of technology both inside and outside international research centers with expertise in the production of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineeringin cooperation with the Egyptian productive institutions and companies, provided that the role of the industrial partner is clear and serious.

Second (b): calling for researchers in centers and Egyptian universities to submit their proposals for outputs are ready to be applied in industrial in cooperation with productive institutions and companies in the government and private sectors

Third (c): Supporting research aimed at applying top science and emerging technology in biotechnology

The researchers in the Egyptian universities, institutes and research centers in cooperation with the Egyptian productive institutions and companies wishing to apply must obtain the forms from the headquarters of the Academy: 101 Al-Qasr Al-Aini St. Cairo

 Or through the website of the Academy:

Last day of submission: 24/1/2019

 Or by mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To inquire: Center for scientific and technological cooperation

Tele: 27921324 - 27921315 Fax: 27921325 

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