Call for the membership at the qualitative councils
The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology includes a group of elite scientists from universities and research centers
as well as experts in various sectors of the membership of the qualitative councils. The councils involve one third of being the best scientists in Egypt according to international standards, the second third of the members of the best young scientists in Egypt in accordance with international standards who are under the age of 45 and the last third of experts and locally, regionally and internationally who have proven experience relevant to the work and specialization of the Council.
The application will be submitted through the website of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology only. No applications submitted by hand or any nominations submitted directly to the President of the Academy will be considered.
-- Only one of the councils can any applicants register.
-- The Academy takes into consideration the diversity of disciplines for each specific council.
-- In the case of equivalence grades, the account females and geographical distribution at Egypt will be considered.
-- Data can be modified for the applicant until the end of registration.
-- For more information or inquiries, please send an e-mail to: