Calls for "IMHOTEP" program - 2019

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for launching a bilateral program for scientific cooperation, named IMHOTEP, with the aim of facilitating, strengthening and developing scientific cooperation between the Egyptian and French researchers working at universities, research centers or institutes in both countries. The program covers bilateral research projects and scientific symposia involving researchers of the two countries in every scientific field.
The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) will be in charge of the administrative part of the program from the Egyptian side, while Campus France will be in charge of the administrative part from the French side. An Egypt-France Joint Board is established to review, assess and make specific recommendations concerning scientific and technological cooperative activities.
Research areas are as follows:
--Water: (sanitation, desalination, irrigation management)
-- Environment: new and renewable energy, Hydrogenise energy cells, batteries of electric cars
-- Biology, Medicine, Health (production of enzymes by biotechnology, advanced diagnostic techniques for diseases (sensors), hepatitis C
--Mathematics and their reaction
--Earth and Space Sciences
--Human Sciences and Humanities
--Science Society (tourism and Education)
--Engineering Sciences (renewable energy)
--Information, Communication and Technologies (multimedia)
--Agronomy, Animal Production, Plant and Food (production of Crops)
The maximum duration of a research project will not exceed two years. Annual progress report must be submitted jointly by the Egyptian and French researchers before the 30th of April 2018.
For more information:
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