Calls for scientific publishing incentives for 2018
The Post-graduate Studies and Research Sector announces the opening of the scientific publication incentive awards for research published in 2018 from 15/2/2019 to 30/9/2019,
in order to facilitate the faculty members to complete the required procedures in a time.
Applicants who wish to apply for the completion of their research for the year 2018 only should submit their academic data to the faculty members on the university site.
* Subject to the following conditions:
1- Scientific publishing incentives prizes shall be submitted electronically to the site of the academic data of the faculty member.
2- The research paper must have the name of the University of Mansoura.
3- When submitting the first page of the published research, the page of the latest IF Hindex Citation of the journal should be considered.
4-A confirmation form for the applicant shall be prepared to investigate the validity of the mentioned data, click here
5- As for the applicants of Mansoura University work outside the university (at home or abroad), they are the same of the professor within the university.
6- 50% of the value of the joint research shall be given to foreigners of Egyptian participants from Mansoura University.
7-The full publication incentive award may be granted to a faculty member involved with foreigners (foreign or from outside the university) if the member's name is the first in the published research.
8-The value of the award with the name of the applicant for research and therefore is the responsibility of distributing the value of the ward to the participants in the paper.
9-The Plagiarism report shall be submitted for the research papers approved by the University administration, click here
10-Do not apply research paper more than one participant.
** For more information on the rules and how to calculate the award for the year 2018 approved by the University Council, click here
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