German Egyptian Mobility Program for Scientific Exchange and Excellence Development (GE-SEED)

With a view to intensifying interaction and scientific cooperation between Egyptian and German Scientists / Institutions,

the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) jointly extend support for exchange of scientific visits through the jointly funded German Egyptian Mobility Program for Scientific Exchange and Excellence Development (GE-SEED).

Aim of the program
GE-SEED aims at supporting bilateral mobility between Egyptian and German scientific teams with special emphasis on young scientists (Master and PhD students), and within the framework of a jointly submitted research project for a period of up to two years. The main goal of this program is to encourage partnerships between both sides and enhance collaboration 

Faculty members, Scientists and Academics belonging to Universities, and Research Institutes should form a project team headed by a Principal Investigator (PI). Those having permanent positions in the above mentioned institutions can apply as PIs. Teams should not exceed five members. A complete project proposal (in terms of content, names of team members on both sides, … etc.) for academic / scientific co-operation must be uploaded by the German PI to DAAD Bonn Portal, and by the Egyptian PI to the website of the STDF (, in the prescribed format available on the websites. The project proposal should contain the objectives, technical details, methodology, the likely outputs and achievable goals of the project, the biography of the PI, a list of his/her relevant publications during the last 5 years and a list of other projects, national and international, implemented by him/her etc.

For more details: click here

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