Kuwait Award for 2019

Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences invites universities, scientific bodies and individuals (see paras. 3-4 below) to submit their nominations of Kuwaiti and Arab scientists and researchers to the Kuwait Prize for 2019 in the following four areas:

The topics of the Kuwait Award for 2019 in the four following fields:

Basic Sciences: Mathematics (including but not limited to: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Engineering, Topology, Actuarial Mathematics, Statistics)

Applied Sciences: Environment (including but not limited to; climate change, desertification, biodiversity, waste management, environmental health)

Socio-economic sciences: social sciences (including, but not limited to, sociology, psychology, political science as well as modern social sciences)

Arts and literature: Studies in foreign languages ​​and literature

The Foundation provides in each of the areas mentioned. An award of KD 40,000 - about US $ 135,000.

Download the application

The Kuwait Prize is awarded under the following conditions:

1. The candidate must be Arab and have proof of his Arab origin, through a birth certificate in an Arab country or a valid Arab passport. A proof of this shall be attached to the application for progress.

2. The production should be innovative and very important for the field submitted and published during the past 20 years. The scientific production includes the following: Research published or accepted for publication in scientific fields, written books or translated books or chapters published in books that the book has an international number ISBN certified and do not enter the master's and doctoral dissertations and research obtained from them in the evaluation of the scientific production of the candidate.

3. The Foundation shall accept the nominations of universities and scientific bodies. Individuals entitled to this award shall be entitled to nominate those they deem eligible to receive, and shall not accept nominations of political bodies.

4. The Foundation shall accept the applications for self-nomination. The application shall be accompanied by a list of five advisors: four academic or research figures and one scientific institution. The Foundation shall address three of the list to submit letters of recommendation to the applicant, two academic personalities and the scientific institution.

5. Decisions of the Board of Directors of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences are final and may not be contested.

6. Fill out the application for the prize and send it with all the work of the applicant electronically. The application can be obtained through the Foundation's website, which will fill the application in the basic sciences and applied sciences in English.

7. Submit the application with the business in accordance with the PDF files, through the cloud storage services sites such as Google drive - Dropbox - OneDrive and send an e-mail to the prize office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
8. Nominations shall be accepted until the end of June 2019

To inquire about the prize, please call: 965-22270465 Fax: +965 22270462 and e-mail to the awards office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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