Mansoura Technology Innovation Commercialization Office(TICO)announced

Science- to- Business Seminar Series

This series is designed to guide the university scientific research to face the technological challenges facing the industrial and agricultural sector and to find appropriate solutions to these challenges , which lays the foundations for a genuine partnership between the university and industry bodies , agricultural and commercial . The events will begin this series of discussions with the beginning of the second semester of this year .

Therefore, the Office welcomes you to receive nominations for the characters ( from inside and outside the university) that may be involved in this series , both by giving lectures or attend the nominations to be no later than 30 - January --2,014 . Send these nominations , together with a brief summary of the candidate and his interests in the field of technology development and vision in order to bridge the gap between the university and industry to e-mail your local office of grants and international (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


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