The Academy of Scientific Research supports the largest number of researchers

The Academy of Scientific Research invites all researchers from the scientific research community from Egyptian universities, institutes and research centers, students and teams from schools to submit their applications through the electronic submission system two months before the event. The academy provides financial support in accordance with the conditions through four mechanisms:
1.Support the travel fees for Egyptian researchers to attend scientific activities outside Egypt: 

2.Partial support for organizing conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses outside Egypt 

3.Supporting researchers and talented students are participating in international competitions from different universities and schools 

4.Physical support of scientific societies which are registered in the General of Scientific Societies in the Academy for the purpose of establishing or organizing conference, seminar, workshop, etc


The aim of supporting these activities is to create an environment conducive to the scientific research community in all its aspects. This will enable Egyptian scientific cadres to keep scientific progress through providing opportunities for exchanging experiences and learning the latest trends and scientific achievements through training programs, organizing conferences, seminars and workshops. Also, students provide with study vacations, short scientific assignments for training, participation in conferences, meetings, exhibitions and international competitions with the aim of maintaining direct contact between Egyptian researchers and their counterparts abroad

To see the terms of support and contribution in the four fields and how to apply and communicate with specialists through: click here

Dr. Ahmed Fekry - International Grants Office at the Central Library  in front of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University

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