The Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici calls for applications academic year 2017-2018
The Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici is offering annual scholarships for young graduates and doctors, both Italian and foreign, in the disciplines of history, philosophy and literature:
a) 14 scholarships of € 12.000,00 each (if the candidate is resident in the Campania region the amount of the scholarship is € 9.700,00).
b) 1 “Federico II” scholarship of € 10.300,00 offered by the Università degli studi di Napoli for graduates from Italian universities whose final thesis is in medieval studies.
Requirements for admission
- Candidates must be less than 32 years of age by the date of 31 July 2017 (born after 31st July 1985);
- Graduates and doctors must have discussed their final university dissertation before the final application date;
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