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The Announcement of Mansoura University’s Awards for the Year 2022

 Mansoura University’s Council on its Session No. (588) headed by Prof. Ashraf Abdel-Basset-President of Mansoura University, approved on granting the University’s Awards for a number of (31) Faculty teaching staff members and teaching assistants, out of (122) applicants as follows:

The Faculty of Science received (6) awards.

The Faculty of Engineering received (6) awards.

The Faculty of pharmacy received (5) awards.

The Faculty of Medicine received (5) awards.

The Faculty of Agriculture received (3) awards.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine received two awards.

The Faculty of Dentistry received two awards.

 The Faculty of Computers and Information Science received one award.

The Faculty of Arts received one award.

Firstly: Mansoura University’s Appreciation Awards: Hidden

Secondly: The University’s Award for Excellence:

  1. Abdel-Azziz ElSayed Fouda- Professor Emeritus at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science (Field of Basic Science).
  2. Ahmed Mohamed Refaat ElNahas- Professor of Urology and Nephrology at the Faculty of Medicine (Field of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences).
  3. Mona Ibrahim Ibrahim Awad Shabaan- Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Field of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences).
  4. Ahmed Ali Abou-ElAtta Mousa- Professor at the Department of Soil, Faculty of Agriculture (Field of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences).

Thirdly: The University’s Award for Encouragement:

  1. Hossam Ayman Mohamed Abdel-Hameed ElFeqi- Lecturer at the Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine.
  2. Associate Professor/ Amr Awad Ibrahim Ahmed- Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Faculty of Science.
  3. Associate Professor/ Yasmeen Gaber Mohamed Abou-Elreesh- Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Faculty of Science.
  4. Mohamed Salah Amr Shetewy- Lecturer at the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture.
  5. Associate Professor/ Usama ElSaid Abdel-Monem- Associate Professor at the Department of Building and Construction Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.
  6. Associate Professor/ Mohamed Ibrahim Gar-Elalam Rashed- Associate Professor at the Department of Public Works Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.
  7. Associate Professor/ Rania Nabih Mahmoud AlShaheeny- Associate Professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy.
  8. Associate Professor/ Mohamed Asaad Zaki Hassan Mowafy – Associate Professor at the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy.
  9. Associate Professor/ Hossam ElShiekh Ali Gamal-ElDin- Associate Professor at the Department of Obstetrics, Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Fourthly: The University’s Award for the Best M.A Theses and Ph.D Dissertations

Firstly: The Award for the Best Ph.D Dissertations:

  • Mohamed Abdel-Aziz ElSayed Ghazi- Lecturer at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine.
  • Nada Abdel-Hameed ElSayed- Lecturer at the Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicin.
  • Mohamed Yehia Abdel-Fattah Azab- Assistant lecturer at the Department of Engineering Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Engineering.
  • Ahmed Hazem Mahmoud- Lecturer at the Department of Engineering Mathematics and Physics (Applied Mathematics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.
  • Nora Hemdan Abdo AbouTaleb- Lecturer at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy.
  • Nabila Hamed Mahmoud Abdel-Aal – Lecturer at the Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computers and Information.
  • Nesma Sultan Mohamed Abdel-Hameed- Lecturer at the Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry.
  • Wafaa ElSaid Ahmed Saleh- Lecturer at the Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry.
  • Lamyaa Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud- Lecturer at the Department of Pomology, Faculty of Agriculture.
  • Ahmed Bahgat Khalil Abdel-Aziz- Lecturer at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science.
  • Doaa Ahmed Mohamed Ali- Lecturer at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science.

Secondly: The Award for the Best M.A Theses:

  • Ahmed Magdy Abdel-Hameed Ibrahim Beshr- Department of Geology, Faculty of Science.
  • Ahmed Ibrahim Abou-ElMaaty- Department of Mechanical Power Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.
  • Ahmed Nader Atwa Mahmoud Sheta- Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.
  • Ahmed Mohamed Awad Mohamed Shatta- Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy.
  • Rabab Abdel-Hakim Ibrahim Mahmoud Motawe- Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts.

Fifthly: The Award of the Best Scientific Department:

  • Department of Urology and Nephrology at the Center of Urology and Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine (Field of Medical science).
  • Department of Obstetrics, Reproduction and Artificial Insemination at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Field of Basic Science).

The University’s Award in the field of Humanities and Educational Sciences was hidden

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