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Mansoura University is ranked 447 in Best Global Universities(US News Ranking )2023

US News foundation has declared the Ranking of Best Global Universities 2023 through its official site ,US News is considered a leading foundation in the field of educational analysis and rankings , Mansoura University is ranked 447 globally , it has advanced by 30 positions Compared to last year Ranking 2022, Mansoura University also is ranked 8th at the level of African universities , • In addition to that, Mansoura University retained at the second position respectively between Egyptian universities.

Mansoura University Subject Rankings:-

Biology and Biochemistry is ranked (461)

Chemistry is ranked (637)

Clinical Medicine is ranked (309)

Computer Science is ranked (369)

Electrical and Electronic Engineering is ranked (307)

Engineering  is ranked (389)

Materials Science is ranked (490)

Mathematics is ranked (92)

Pharmacology and Toxicology is ranked (187)

Physics is ranked (700)

Plant and Animal Science is ranked (481)

Surgery is ranked  (239)

US News is considered one of the most important international rankings that is concerned with scientific research published globally. The ranking is based on several criteria, depend on the academic success of universities, including local and global reputation, research published each year and its impact, international cooperation, printed publications, books, conferences, impact of standard citation, total number of citations as a source, international collaboration, and contribution to the best cited research papers.

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