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Mansoura University Participates in “The 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Theory and Applications”

Today, on Monday 19th December 2022, the events of “The 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Theory and Applications” were opened. Mansoura University participated in organizing the conference as well as Ain Shams University, EiTESAL for Information and Communication Technology, and the Egyptian National Nanotechnology Network that is related to the Academy of Scientific Research & Technology. 

The attendees were: Prof. Cherif Yousef Khater- President of Mansoura University, Prof. Mahmoud Elmeteiny- President of Ain Shams University, Prof. Maged Alkamary- Former President of Kafr Elshiekh University, Prof. Dominique Adolphe- Vice-President of the French University, Prof. Tariq Bourouina, Vice-President for Research at Gustave Eiffel University, Prof. Ayman Saleh- Vice-President of Ain Shams University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Prof. Mohamad AlKhayat- The Executive Chairman of the New and Renewable Energy Authority , Prof. Mohamed Shedeed- EiTESAL Managing Director, Prof. Mohamed Nabil Sabry- Director of Nanotechnology Center at Ain Shams University and Chairman of the Conference , and Prof. Mohamed Ragab- Director of Nanotechnology Center at Mansoura University and Coordinator of the Conference.

The Conference discusses through three days (19-21 December 2022) a number of 72 scientific researches. Besides, there are 17 speakers who participate in the conference: four of them are from Egypt and thirteen foreign speakers from America, France, China, Russia, and Canada. There are two of these speakers who are Noble Prize winners.  It is noteworthy that the participants of conference are from 25 foreign universities, 33 Egyptian universities, and research centers.

Prof. Cherif Khater confirmed that Mansoura University set its strategic plan for developing the scientific research, scientific activities and achieving the community partnership and sustainable development. Mansoura University established Nanotechnology Center through a mutual research project via Scientific and Technological Development Box since 2015.

Mansoura University has the priority to present a proposal to establish the National Network for Nanotechnology in Egypt as the Academy of Scientific Research approved on funding the project of the National Network for Nanotechnology. The network seeks to add all institutions that are interested in microtechnology and nanotechnology in Egypt. This is out of the desire to achieve integration among them, and participate in the material and human resources in order to highlight the benefit from them, and achieve research progress in this field.

Prof. Mahmoud Elmeteiny -President of Ain Shams University stressed on the importance of the scientific research in the field of nanotechnology and its multiple applications in fields of Medicine- Agriculture- Energy- Water. Further, he added that Ain Shams University is about to open a research center for nanotechnology at the University to support the applied researches in the field of nanotechnology as part of the State’s vision. Besides, he stressed on the importance of cooperation and integration among the Egyptian Universities in this field in order to increase the scientific production. In addition to, he pointed out the importance of cooperation and integration among Ain Shams University and the Egyptian Universities such as, Mansoura University, Kafr Elshiekh University in this field to increase the quality and quantity of scientific production that benefits our country and the whole world with prosperity and growth.   

Prof. Mohamed Nabil Sabry- Chairman of the Conference and Coordinator the Egyptian National Nanotechnology Network said that the researches that will be presented in the Conference deal with nanotechnology applications in four main factors: Nanomedicine- Nano for Energy- Nano for Water, food & Environment - Nano for Industry. He stressed on the importance of cooperation and creating research teams for researches that are interested in nanotechnology due to the required variety in different specialization, performing the theories and putting them into application.

He discussed the various applications that will be presented in the conference, including the early discovery of cancer, its medication, and decreasing the chances of its infection from the beginning. Besides, fruitful researches were presented in the field of solar energy as it is well-known that nanotechnology helped in minimizing the cost of electricity production thanks to the solar energy. He pointed out that there are other applications of nanotechnology that were discussed in the conference such as, water treatment and nanomaterials with high quality special specifications to be used in manufacturing and textile industries.

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