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President of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education visits Mansoura University as the first accredited university

Prof. Cherif Khater - President of Mansoura University received Prof. Alaa Ashmawy - President of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education, Prof. Asmaa Mostafa - Vice President of the Authority for Pre-University Education Affairs. In the presence of Prof. Mohamed Attia El-Bayoumy - Vice President for Education and Students, Prof. Ashraf Hafez - Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research.

Prof. Cherif Khater, welcomed the visit of Prof. Alaa Ashmawy, which is the first visit to an Egyptian university after he assumed the position of President of the Authority, Pointing to the importance of cooperation with the authority in establishing a culture of institutional and program accreditation, which remains a national duty consistent with the keenness of the political leadership in Egypt to improve the quality of education and place educational institutions in Egypt for regional and international competition. He also raised the importance of international accreditation of educational programs at Mansoura University during the coming period in line with Egypt's vision 2030 to make Mansoura University in the ranks of international universities. The authority will identify the concerned authorities and provide training courses that support international accreditation.

Prof. Alaa Ashmawy, handed over the accreditation certificate of Mansoura University from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education to Prof. Cherif Khater as the first Egyptian public university accredited by the authority.

Prof. Cherif Khater presented the shield of Mansoura University to Prof. Alaa Ashmawy, in appreciation and gratitude for him and the authority.

Prof. Alaa Ashmawy congratulated Mansoura University, its administration and its employees on its accreditation as the first Egyptian public university accredited by the Authority, as Mansoura University is one of the pioneer universities with distinguished educational and research activity. He also praised the efforts made by the deans of the faculties to improve the quality of education in all the university's fields, and their effective contribution to achieving a continuous qualitative development for Mansoura University, and in an advanced position at the national, regional and international levels, in order to achieve its vision and mission. He also held a dialogue session with the deans of the accredited faculties, during which the most important requirements of the faculties from the Authority in the coming period were discussed. A video was shown on the history of Mansoura University, explaining its origins and its educational and research components quality at Mansoura University and various statistics on faculties and educational programs were presented. He visited the Faculty of Engineering and praised its management’s distinguished efforts and distinction, as it ranked first in government excellence in the faculty category among 540 Egyptian faculties ,in addition to the accreditation of 11 educational programs and the presence of many laboratories accredited by the AGAC.

At the end of the visit, Prof. Alaa Ashmawy visited the Authority's branch at Mansoura University, who praised its distinguished location and constructive efforts in promoting the concept of quality through the training courses it offers.

The meeting was attended by Prof. Mohamed Abdel-Azim - Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ashraf Shoma - Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Manal Eid - Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Mohamed El-Agmy - Dean of the Faculty of Education, Prof. Sahar Tawfiq - Dean of the Faculty of Education for Early Childhood, Prof. Yasser Lotfy - Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Prof. Walid El Shennawy - Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Nisreen Shalaby - Director of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education Center at the university, Prof. Amir Shaalan - Deputy Director of the Center for the Medical and Engineering Sector, Prof. Fatima Al-Zahraa - Deputy Director of the Center for the Humanities Sector.

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