The appointment of Dr/Mohamed Ibrahim Mashaly for the position of Lecturer
Written by أ. دينا صلاح الدين |
Hits: 1330
Dr. Abd Alglil Abd Alsalam gets scientific title of Asistant professor
Written by أ. دينا صلاح الدين |
Hits: 1172
Dr. Adel Ahmed Ahmed Atia gets scientific title of Professor
Written by أ. دينا صلاح الدين |
Hits: 3137
Dr. Ayman Shreif Alseid gets scientific title of professor
Written by أ. دينا صلاح الدين |
Hits: 1540
Awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Science student Sameh Mohamed Shabanh
Written by أ. دينا صلاح الدين |
Hits: 1264
Granting Master's degree to the student Hafsah Mahmou Atia
Written by أ. دينا صلاح الدين |
Hits: 1104
Call for publishing Researches in Renewable Energy & Sustainable Development Journal
Written by أ. أسماء طاهر الجيار |
Hits: 1287
Aappointment of Dr/Sameh Mohamed Alsaeid for the position of Lecturer
Written by أ. دينا صلاح الدين |
Hits: 1287
Awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Science student Mohamed Ibrahim Mashaly
Written by أ. دينا صلاح الدين |
Hits: 1212
Granting Master's degree to the student Mohamed Ramadan Ahmed
Written by أ. دينا صلاح الدين |
Hits: 1331