Faculty objectives


Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, aims at achieving a set of goals:

•Plans and programs of study in various basic science keep pace with the international standards, appropriate and feasible and compatible with the college and university message.

•Access to a high level of confidence in the college graduate through the dissemination of a culture of creativity and approach and advanced educational means.
•Graduate unable to cope with the demands of scientific research and advanced research create rules capable of pursuing the rapid development and stunning variety of basic science.
• Determine accurately the real requirements of the society and make it a point to launch successful and outstanding community service at the local level and international level.
• Extend bridges of cooperation in various fields of research and openness to cutting-edge research schools to prepare a researcher with the thought of Applied distinct capable of producing modern technology.
• Style approach to continuous improvement of academic programs for the advancement of the permanent graduate level capable of permanent competition in the labor market.
• Aims to achieve the objectives and learning outcomes meet the criteria academic excellence.
• Seek to meet the requirements of accreditation as one of the most important strategic objectives of the Faculty of Science, Mansoura University.


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El Gomhouria St, Mansoura Qism 2, Dakahlia Governorate

Dean Office 2202266 050

Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs 2202264 050

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs 2202271 050

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