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The Geological Museum

  The geological museum of Geology Department, Mansoura University represents one of the main pillars of the teaching process and scientific research. The museum occupies an area of 280 m2, containing 48 showcases, and 15 tables, in addition to 8 wall cupboards, where a variety of famous rare-to-find local and international geologic samples are safely kept, in addition to representative ore samples of the Egyptian natural treasures.  
  The museum accepts visits from all college students, along with continuous visits from students of different schools, furthermore, it welcomes non-academic and academic Egyptian, Arab, and foreign visitors, which visit Mansoura University as part of the cultural exchange programs among Egyptian and foreign universities.   
  The main goal of the museum is to spread enlightenment among college and school students, and scientific knowledge of earth sciences and natural resources. In addition to documenting mining history of Egypt over the ages, and strengthening the connection between humans and their history, and the natural phenomenon.  
   Moreover, the geological museum at Mansoura University aims at the simplification of the academic study of different geology branches, and reinforcing the understanding of these sciences. As viewing all types of minerals, ore, rocks, and fossils samples, completes the theoretical study, with fossil samples exceeding 3000 samples, 1500 sedimentary and metamorphic rock samples, and more than 1000 samples of rare minerals and gemstones. 

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