About Alumni Follow Up Unit

 The Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, strives to apply quality standards in the educational process, in order to ensure graduating of a distinguished and high-level student who effectively contributes to solving the problems of the surrounding community, and more links with civil society in order to improve the level of graduates in line with the requirements of the labor market to create real opportunities for the graduate and find diverse fields and new job opportunities.
 The faculty also sets the standards associated with academic accreditation at the local and international levels to recognize the graduate regionally and globally. Also, the graduate must be permanently connected to the faculty for continuing more academic, training level and knowledge of available job opportunities, building links and cooperation between the faculty and its graduates, seeking to exchange knowledge and experiences with them, inviting them to participate in various events, strengthening their affiliation, and urging them to give and contribute to its service.

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El Gomhouria St, Mansoura Qism 2, Dakahlia Governorate

Dean Office 2202266 050

Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs 2202264 050

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs 2202271 050

Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development 2202264 050
