Second Level



G204 Structural Geology (3h/w)

Introduction: Composition of the Earth - Isostasy of the Earth- Forces in the Earth's crust- Different types of structures. Stress: Definition - Types- Uni-axial stress- Plane stress- Stress in 3D - Mohr circle uses in stress analysis - Mohr envelope - Factors controlling the brittle failure of the rocks. Strain: Definition – Types - Strain in 2D - Strain in 3D - Mohr circle uses in the strain analysis - Strain markers analysis. Structural elements, classification, methods of representation. Joints, classification, kinematics of jointing. Faults, definition, classification, kinematics of faulting, criteria of faults recognition, fault mechanics solution. Folds: Definitions - Classifications, Fold mechanisms - Criteria of fold recognitions, superimposed folding.Types of discontinuities and Unconformities. Shear zones and shear sense indicators. Analysis of structural data with geological maps as practicals.

G221 Sedimentary Rocks (2h/w)

Introduction - Sedimentary cycle - Classification of sedimentary rocks - Physical properties and textures - Sedimentary structures - Clastic sedimentary rocks: Conglomerates & breccias, sandstones and mud rocks. Non-clastic sedimentary rocks: carbonates, evaporites, chert, phosphorites, coal and iron-rich sedimentary rocks.Genesis and diagenesis of clastic, carbonate and chemical rocks. The practical part includes hand specimen and stained thin-section analysis of different rock types.Analytical procedures for detailed analysis of sedimentary rocks: polarizing microscopy, cathodoluminescence microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy. Knowledge of methodology and potential of discussed analytical procedures (polarizing microscopy, cathodoluminescence microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy) for detailed studies of sedimentary rocks.

G222 Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks (3h/w)

Introduction and definition of common terms used in igneous petrology, Earth's interior, layers and physical properties, abundance and distribution of igneous rocks and their relation to plate tectonics, textures and structures of igneous rocks, nature, origin, source, crystallization of magma. Magmatic differentiation and fractionation, and types of magma chambers. Classification of igneous rocks, description of different igneous rocks and their petrogensis. Practical examination of hand specimens and thin sections representing the different igneous rocks. Definition, metamorphism, limits and type of metamorphic agents, metamorphic processes, mineral assemblages and textures of metamorphic rocks, metamorphic grade and facies, metapelites, metabasites, metacarbonates and calc-silicates, metaultramafics, ores associated with metamorphic rocks, Examples of metamorphic rocks in Egypt. Practical examination of different types of metamorphic rocks.

Gphy221 Geophysics-I (3h/w)

Introduction, definition and branches of geophysics. Gravity field of the Earth. Geoid, GPS and isostasy. Seismic methods and earthquakes. Magnetic and paleomagnetic methods. Electric and geothermal methods. Borehole geophysics. Practical work of some measured geophysical parameters.

Tc221 Soil and Rock Mechanics (2h/w)

Description and classification of soils and rock. Physical properties of soils: composition of soils, classification tests, ascertaining of soil properties. Water in soil: groundwater flow, hydraulic permeability, buoyancy, hydraulic thrust, hydraulic base failure. Stress in soils: Initial conditions and stress paths: total stress, effective stress, pore water pressure. Stress strain behavior of soils. Laboratory and field tests for stress strain haracte and shear strength parameters of soils: compression test, triaxial test, shear test, stiffness modulus, shear strength parameters. Consolidation: time-settlement-curve, consolidation ratio, consolidation theory. Settlements: floppy and stiff loading. Active and passive earth pressure: earth-pressure theory, arithmetical and graphical ascertaining of earth pressure, sliding surfaces, earth pressure at rest. Proof of bearing capacity: Tilt over, sliding, base failure, slope failure. Securing obstacle jumps. Structural important rock and rock mass properties: Properties of joint faces, strength properties and stress strain behavior of rock. Relations rock – rock mass. Failure of rock. Initial conditions and tensions around a underground space.Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences) Basic knowledge of soil- and rockmechanics and design of structures in the field of foundation engineering. Ability of independent solution to simple problems in soil- and rockmechanics.

G223 Underground Water (2h/w)

Definition of hydrogeology/hydrology (water cycle, aquifers, impermeable beds), quantification of the surface and subsurface water cycle (precipitation, evaporation, run off and ground water). Winning of groundwater. Introduction of underground water, resources, migration, reservoir and aquifers. Types of underground water. Geomorphological and structural controls of the occurrences and movements of underground water. Introduction to hydrology and water geochemistry. Environment impact of groundwater - Occurrences & movement of groundwater - Exploration of groundwater.- Well drilling methods - Advanced well drilling methods - Water-well design – Pumps - Well hydraulics - Chemical characters of groundwater.Basics on water movement and solute transport in porous aquifer systems; evaluation of data; Analytical models and the evaluation of calculation results; numerical haracte and model evaluation. Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences Complex interaction of different factors on water movement and solute transport in porous aquifer systems; Evaluation methods on groundwater data (quantity and quality); Application of analytical models and their evaluation; Overview on the applicability of numerical modeling on water movement and solute transport in porous aquifer systems.

G224 Geology of Mineral Deposits (2h/w)

Overview of the classification of mineral deposits; detailled characterization of different types of ore deposits and mineral commodities. Quality criteria, chemical properties, production and exploration possibilities of ore deposits. Knowledge of the most important features of the geological setting of ore deposits and the quality criteria, chemical characteristics and exploration. Introduction to uses and applications of ore deposits.

G225 Invertebrate Paleontology, 2h/W

Invertebrate macropaleontological course includes; Introduction, definitions, zoological nomenclature, how fossils are formed and preserved, explanation of geologic time, how fossils are used in paleoecology and evolution, collecting and preparing fossils, trace fossils, how to identify fossils. Systematic study of invertebrate macrofossil Phyla: Porifera, Cnidaria, Bryozoa, Brachiopoda, Annelida, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Arthropoda.

Chem251 Petroleum Chemistry (2h/W)

A general idea - importance, occurrence, and transportation- origin of petroleum- inorganic theory (carbide theory) organic theory-factors affecting transformation to petroleum- composition of petroleum hydrocarbon constituents (paraffin's, aromatics, apothems) non-hydrocarbon constituents (sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen, and metallic compounds together with resinous and asphaltic materials) specifications of petroleum and its products. Classification of crude petroleum (according the chemical composition and the sulphur percentage) some physical aspects concerning petroleum fuels (diesel index, cetane number and octane number of motor and aviation fuel).

G226 Stratigraphy (3h/w)

Introduction - Bedding, stratification and layering of rocks - Sea level changes and the sedimentation style - Cyclic successions - Stratigraphic contacts - The use of unconformities in dating geologic events - Relative geologic time and the basic principles of stratigraphy - Definition of some stratigraphic terms - Major types of stratigraphic units: lithostratigraphic units, allosratigrahic units, biostratigraphic units, pedostratigraphic units, chronostratigraphic units, and geochronologic units. Magneto-stratigraphy, Seismic-stratigraphy, Correlation in stratigraphy; lithocorrelation, biocorrelation, chronocorrelation, Geologic Time Scale (The Phanerozoic Eon). Mass extinctions and the main causes. Precambrian geography and fossil evidence of early life. The geologic systems; nomenclature, facies, life, subdivisions, and paleogeography.

G227 Geological Mapping (2h/w)

  • Introduction to the topographic mapping. Definition and mapping of topographic phenomena. Introduction to the geological mapping. Planner geological surfaces. Curvi-planar geological surfaces. Linear structures. Representation of planar and linear elements. Surface mapping and interpretation of rock outcrop patterns. Introduction to the Electric Log. Vertical and Directionally drilled wells. Definition of the criteria of geological structure by electric log correlation. Pitfall in well Log correlation. Problems. Structural interpretation of the Seismic line data Geological cross sections. Structural cross section. Stratigraphic cross section. Structural geology and balancing. Balancing of compressional structure. Balancing of extensional structure. Problems. Fault surface maps. Structural maps. Mapping techniques for varies tectonic habitats. Thickness maps (Isochore and Isopach contour maps).

G228 Petroleum Geology (3h/w)

In a first part of the course, subsurface data available in Petroleum Geology (cuttings, cores, borehole logs, and geophysical data) are summarized and critically evaluated. In a second part – following an introduction into the concept of “Petroleum Systems” – all essential elements and processes needed for oil and gas accumulations to exist, are reviewed. In a third part of the course, the job of geoscientists during different stages of petroleum exploration and production is described.Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences Successful students will understand the origin, distribution and properties of petroleum and petroleum-bearing rocks. They also will be familiar with the job of geoscientists in the petroleum industry.

G229 Microfossils (3h/w)

This course includes emphasis on collecting and preparing microfossils, how to identify microfossils. Systematic study of microfossils. It is an introductory survey of the major groups of microfossils, including calcareous, siliceous, phosphatic and organic-walled types (foraminifera, ostracods, pteropods, calcareous nannofossils, radiolarians, diatoms, conodonts, etc.). The skeletal anatomy, biology, mode of life, and geologic history of these benthic and planktic, marine and nonmarine organisms are to be reviewed. Applications of micropaleontology to biostratigraphy, paleoecology, paleoceanography, paleoclimatology and environmental geology. Major mass extinction events. Practical studies of the different fossil groups under the microscope in terms of morphology and structure.

Gphy222 Geophysics - II (2h/w)

Methods of Applied Geophysics. Fundamentals, data acquisition (instruments, equipment, methodologies); data analysis and interpretation. Seismic methods: Elastic waves and elastic constants; seismic instruments. Refractin seismics: single and multiple layer case with plane horizontal or dipping boundaries. Reflection seismics: field operations, digital data processing, interpretation. Potential field methods: magnetics, gravimetry, geoelectrics, electromagnetics, geothermy, radiometry. Physical principles, survey techniques, processing and interpretation, case studies. Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences) Fundamentals of applied geophysics (theory + practice).

G230 Radioactive Ores (2h/w)

Description of the processing of uranium- and thorium-containing ores in systematic order according to valuable minerals, mineral association and intergrowth characteristics. Production of concentrates. Overview of uranium deposits types, classification and minerals and rocks associations. Uranium deposits mines and quarrying in Egypt. The course should give information on the applications and uses of primary and secondary uranium deposits. The course concerns with learning about the procedure of radioactive mineral deposits; sampling holding and investigation.

G231 Application of Clay Minerals (2h/w)

Mineralogical-petrological aspects of raw materials; methods for their investigation; processes and products in the cement, water treatment and purifications, refractories and ceramics industries; recent application of nano-clay particles in drilling. Overview of environmental mineralogy, including the location of potentially toxic elements in mineral phases. Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences) Introduction into Applied Clay Mineralogy and its methods.

G232 Mineral Extraction and Environmental Aspects (2h/w)

Representation of environment-related aspects of minerals extraction: air, flora / fauna, soil, landscape, water, mining waste. Including measures to the harmonization and case examples.Objectives (expected results of study and acquired competences) Representation of environment-related aspects of minerals extraction: air, flora / fauna, soil, landscape, water, mining waste. Including measures to the harmonization and case examples.

 Chem 252 Petrochemistry(2h/w )

Manufacturing processes and oil refinery- separation processes- distillation- absorption- adsorption solvent extraction- conversion processes- production of motor and jet fuels-cracking- reforming- isonierisation - refining and treating processes-refining of light petroleum products - removal of H2S, of mercaptans, sweetening - and desulphurization processes, and hydrogen treatment refining of lubricating oils- acid treatment, clay treatment and dewaxingmiscellaneous refining processes (water removal, and stability of gasoline)motor aviation, jet and diesel fuels composition - volatility, combustion, stability, corrosion petrochemistry. Plastic and petrochemical industries.

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