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President of Mansoura University Opens “The 1st Student Activities Festival” Under the Slogan “Together Towards the New Republic”


 Today, Prof. Cherif Khater- President of Mansoura University opened “The 1st Student Activities Festival” under the slogan “Together Towards the New Republic” which is held from 7th to 9th November 2022.

The attendees were: Prof. Mohamed Attia ElBayoumy- Vice-President of the University for Education and Students’ Affairs, Prof. Mahmoud ElGeidy- Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Prof. Mohy ElDin AlAllamy- Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, Prof. Mohamed Ali Shata- Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Mr. Mohamed Abdullatif- Assistant of the Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees for Education and Students’ Affairs, vice-deans of the faculties, Dr. Mohamed Sabry Saraya- General Coordinator of Student Activities and coordinators of students activities, Mr. Mohamed Abou ElHassan, Charge d' Affaires of General Directory of Student’s Welfare, and directors of student’s welfare at different faculties.

Prof. Cherif Khater confirmed that the University is working on qualifying the students, preparing them to be leaders in the future and encouraging them to participate in various student’s activities. The New Republic in the era of the President/ Abdel-Fattah ElSisi cared of the youth through organizing cultural and sports activities along with the educational process. He added that the cultural activity helps support and create the students’ character in order to have an elite graduate in all fields. Thus, these cultural activities help build the character of an elite graduate and raise the level of the graduate locally and internationally.

He pointed out that the University will work with its students towards the New Republic to build the Future Egypt.

Prof. Mohamed Attia ElBayoumy added that the Festival help raise the students’ skills which are part of building of an integrated person and they are considered the main objective of the University. Further, the University aimed at providing the student with the required skills to achieve his/her role in building the community and the Egyptian State in the New Republic. He expressed his proud of Mansoura University’s students who are distinguished of their knowledge and various talents and they are considered the hope of the future.

It is noteworthy that festival was organized inside the various faculties of the University as well as 9 other points inside the University’s Campus. The festival was arranged with league system of sports game. The winners of the first places will receive memorial medals. The participant should be enrolled in the faculty’s file this current year and he/she can be representative of one faculty of the participant ones. Besides, the regular, affiliated and international students can participate in the Festival.

The activities included foot volley competition, religious chanting and hymns festival from the Egyptian Heritage, reporter or T.V presenter, instant drawing competition, chess, and cultural and religious competition. Besides, the student activities for people with special needs were organized as a parallel activity of the festival.

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