Vision, Mission, and Objectives




  Chemistry is the subject which has solved many of the world's biggest challenges from genetic code to space age materials to the heart of the semiconductor to the artificial heart materials. Modern chemistry is centric to many careers including chemical research, materials, medicine, environmental sciences, teaching, biochemistry, chemical sales and marketing and many other areas. The Department of Chemistry is well-positioned in its centrality, demand, quality and sustainability to significantly contribute to the University vision of serving as a pre-eminent research university with state, national and global impact.

  The Chemistry Department in Faculty of Science, Mansoura University visions that it will be recognized by institutions of higher learning for excellence in teaching, students mentorship and in research in chemistry. The Chemistry Department is dedicated to developing globally competitive undergraduate and graduate programs. The chemistry department offers two major degree options to help the student customize their career goals. 

  The B.S. degree is a rigorous chemical education with additional emphases available in Chemistry major and Biochemistry and Post-graduate (M.Sc. and Ph. D.) degrees.

  The department is cooperating effectively with other departments in Faculty of Science, Education, Dentistry and Pharmacy in Mansoura University to offer interdisciplinary programs. The department is offering excellent and fascinating introductory courses which will both instruct and stimulate students in all of the university's programs, including fields of chemistry minor and major programs.

  A full range of chemistry courses are available, students may also elect a special interest such as analytical, bio, inorganic, organic or physical chemistry. The Department of Chemistry undertakes teaching and research in a wide range of chemical disciplines.

  The Department has highly competent staff-members and assistants committed to training students and producing quality research. It has well-equipped science and research laboratories which are located at the first and second floor of new Building and at the first, second and third floors of the old building. Some of its areas of research are analytical and environmental science, inorganic, bioinorganic, surface and catalysis, electro, polymer, organic synthesis, theoretical, material science, biochemistry and drug discovery.




  Traditionally, we are a diverse scholarly community of hard-working problem-solvers who draw inspiration, strength, and pride from our history, our students’ success, and our entrepreneurial spirit.

  Interdisciplinary Collaboration; we value the entire realm of human knowledge and seek to transcend conventional boundaries in the pursuit of our goals.

  Inclusiveness; we encourage and depend upon mutual recognition and respect and the voluntary cooperative efforts of our diverse constituents to sustain a strong and cohesive scholarly community.

  Excellence; we embrace academic integrity, exceptional results, and constant improvement in teaching, research, service, and economic development activities.



  The Chemistry Department in Faculty of Science, Mansoura University pledges itself to encourage in the broadest and most liberal manner, the advancement of science and particularly chemistry in all of its branches through its education, research, and service missions.  

  Education Mission

  To help the students achieve their personal academic potential by creating an environment that promotes

  • interactions between faculty and students
  • collegial exchange of ideas and high ethical standards
  • development of innovative instructional techniques
  • the use of modern educational technology
  • great participation by under-represented minorities. 

  Research Mission

  The research is aimed to solve fundamental and applied problems by supporting scientific inquiry of a significant nature and promoting the development of innovative interdisciplinary research programs.

  Community Service Mission

  The Chemistry Department is highly cooperate to the public welfare and economic development through the connection between academic institutions and chemical industry and participation and leadership in professional organizations.


Strategic Goals - Five Year Objectives

  • The Department will continue to play a leadership role in the Faculty of Sciences as well as Mansoura University broadly in terms of interdisciplinary scholarship and outreach.
  • The undergraduate program will continue to implement curriculum reform with emphasis upon enhancing quality and diversity. Quality enhancement will focus upon provision of undergraduate research opportunities for majors, innovation in service courses and enhancement of major programs, including the B. Sc. in Chemistry and Biochemistry degrees.
  • The M. Sc. and Ph.D. programs will be ranked in the top quartile nationally using externally verifiable measures. This will be achieved by faculty hires that build critical mass in existing areas of strength (Biochemistry, drug discovery and drug design, materials science, theoretical chemistry, polymer and drug delivery, environmental chemistry and bioinorganic chemistry) as well as new degree programs that will emerge from the Interdisciplinary Research (Diploma in Biochemistry) with the Biochemistry, Botany and Zoology departments.
  • The Conducting academic and industrial scientific research necessary for improving the quality of live for the people by connecting academic institutions and chemical industry, participation and leadership in professional organizations.

  According to the National Academic Standards (NARS) adopted by the college, the graduate specifications include:

  • Proficiency in communicating with others effectively while activating participation in university activities.
  • Optimum use of relevant information technology that enables him to search for the required information and adopt distance learning and self-learning, while observing legal, ethical and professional rules.
  • Develop new concepts and choose appropriate solutions to solve problems to meet the needs of society required in diverse areas with the ability to lead and decision-making.
  • Use scientific facts and theories to interpret and analyze experimental results.
  • Planning and design We do not carry out scientific research using appropriate methods.


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El Gomhouria St, Mansoura Qism 2, Dakahlia Governorate

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Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs 2202264 050

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