Vision, Mission and Objectives



Message of Zoology Department 

The Department of Zoology at the Faculty of Science, Mansoura University is committed to providing a distinguished educational, research and community service in the field of zoology at the local and regional levels through advanced study and research programs, in light of the mission of the Faculty of Science of teaching, practical, research and applied training, and developing skills in various fields of zoology in order to prepare an outstanding student. At the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, he is highly skilled and experienced to compete in the internal and external labor market.



Zoology Department at the Faculty of Science, Mansoura University seeks to become one of the distinguished scientific departments in education, scientific research and community service at the local, regional and international levels in the light of the college’s vision and mission through preparing new scientific programs that keep pace with the continuous scientific development in various fields of research and applied zoology to serve the community and environment.


Strategic goals 

The department’s strategic objectives include developing research in various fields through the uses of theoretical applications in addressing environmental problems, especially in the branches of physiology, histology, invertebrates, environmental sciences, fish biology, parasitology, genetics and entomology, and trying to find solutions to the problem of environmental pollution with heavy elements or as a result of accumulation of some medical drugs after treatment of some diseases. Also, one of the most important axes of the department’s strategic plan in the field of zoology is the preparation of several research projects for the prevention of heavy metals, especially those that have a toxic effect on the environment, such as cadmium, lead... in order to contribute to solving environmental problems in the province and the trend to modern techniques For the prevention of chronic diseases using natural antioxidant products, there are also studies and research trends on the development of the zoology program to keep pace with scientific development in the field of biotechnology to serve the community and the environment through the presence of many research laboratories such as the physiological research laboratory, the environment research laboratory, the invertebrate research laboratory, the embryo research laboratory Immunology and Molecular Biology Research Laboratory Fish Biology Research Laboratory Insect and Parasitological Research Laboratory.

There is a Zoological Museum on both sides of the roads of the Zoology Department, and it contains a group of different museum samples that represent most of the sects of the animal kingdom, which are used in practical sections. The museum is divided into parts, each containing a different group of sects, such as insects. Some examples and models from a number of different marine fish, urchins, sea stars, and some examples of coral reefs and other museum specimens. In addition to being used in practical scavenging, it is considered a site for some scientific trips for students in pre-university education stages from various schools in Dakahlia Governorate.

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El Gomhouria St, Mansoura Qism 2, Dakahlia Governorate

Dean Office 2202266 050

Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs 2202264 050

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Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development 2202264 050