Welcome Message


Welcome to Zoology department at Mansoura Faculty of Science. The Department of Zoology is one of the first departments formed in the Faculty of Science at its establishment in 1970. Zoology Department at Mansoura is currently hosting around 60 academic staff and independent research fellows, 700 undergraduates and 50 postgraduate students. The department is committed to teaching modern biological sciences as well as to carrying out quality research. Presently the department offers a range of flexible B.Sc. degree in three disciplines of Biological Sciences, providing students with a wide choice of subjects through structured themes: Special Zoology as well as two double program; Zoology/chemistry and Entomology/Chemistry.

In addition, Zoology department offer 5 postgraduate programs. Besides teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Biology, the Department offers support courses to students from the Colleges of Dentistry and Education and continues to provide leadership in biological research in the Egypt.

                                             Prof. Sayed Kasem Abd El-Hady

                                               Head of Zoology Department

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El Gomhouria St, Mansoura Qism 2, Dakahlia Governorate

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